Monday, October 19, 2009

Teaching Kids the Value of a Dollar

By, Reba Rose, Guest Author

Well, I guessed I have arrived, am with it or perhaps even a cool grandma. Considering that this is my first time blogging and only last year I thought it was called blobbing, I think I have come a long way!!

Being a grand mother seems to have many specific obligations and responsibilities which are great because at the end of the day you can give these children back to their parents and you can relax. However, when did grandparents also become banks? In my golden years I seem to have become the National Bank of Grandma. Unlike real banks, I seem to issue no loans, I get no interest and just seem to pass out money to buy “stuff” whenever I am pressed with those infamous words….I need and I want. They kind of work like triggers or passwords. “No,” is a word that is very hard to say to grandchildren. I don’t know why as it was so easy to say to my kids.

The most logical way to teach kids about the value of a dollar is to let them earn that dollar. There are many kids in business today. They are called young entrepreneurs. Some are making thousands of dollars and some are making very little. But, they are all learning valuable life skills that are not taught in our schools. Biz in a Boxx teaches these skills and along with it the value of a dollar.

My grand daughter has started her own business and I hope one day to be able to say to her…I need and I want.

Grandma Reba

P.S. Listen, do yourself a favor, go here, check this out:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Another Successful Young Entrepreneur

By, Andi Fox, Guest Author

Jodi has a rash in her armpits.

I think she has too much time on her hands; she’s lazy and bored, even though she’s out and about every day playing with her brothers and her friends. Maybe she needs to have a job to keep her busy and productive. Sure, the economy is awful right now, and she might have a devil of a time finding work, but what if she didn’t have to work for someone else? I’m sure she must have at least one good idea for her own business. Yeah, but she’s just a kid and would never know how to follow through on making the business become a reality.

I heard of something that would certainly teach her the fundamentals of starting and running her own business and she wouldn’t be so dependent on me for money. She’d have her own money to spend on toys and treats and other stuff that would make her happy and give her the freedom I know she relishes. She’d certainly have less worries and no more rashes.

I mean, why not? There have to be lots of kids’ businesses out there. OK, that’s the answer. I’ll get a Biz in a Boxx for her, let’s see that was She will be another successful young entrepreneur. Oh, wait, that won’t work…..Jodi’s a basset hound.